Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

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Daisy Delight


Offer a ray of sunshine with the "Daisy Delight Bouquet," a vibrant blend of colors symbolizing life's simple pleasures. A mix of bright yellows, rich fuchsias, and crisp whites, this bouquet radiates happiness and allure.

Chosen for their brilliant glow and freshness, the daisies are nestled among delicate gypsophila and rich foliage, making an arrangement as invigorating as a clear, sunny sky. Ideal for any event, this bouquet is a beacon of joy, perfect for expressing affection, sharing joy, or bringing natural beauty indoors.

Sending the "Daisy Delight Bouquet" is more than a gift—it's a message of cheerful and vibrant moments to come.

  • Standard - 6 stems
  • Deluxe -12 stems

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