Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

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Charming Delight Arrangement

The "Charming Delight" arrangement is a perfect gift to express love and appreciation. Featuring a stunning mix of vibrant pink and orange roses, yellow orchids, hydrangeas, and delicate stock flowers, this arrangement is beautifully accented with greenery and decorative wooden branches. Whether it’s for Mother’s Day, a loved one, or as a centerpiece for an elegant dinner party, "Charming Delight" adds warmth and sophistication to any occasion. The arrangement’s size makes it ideal for any table or home décor.

  • Includes: Pink and orange roses, yellow orchids, hydrangeas, stock flowers, lush greenery, and decorative wooden branches.
  • Dimensions: 15" long, 12" high, and 9" wide.
  • Perfect for: Mother’s Day gifts, showing love to someone special, or dinner parties.

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