Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist
Easter ChocoChick 'N Bunny Bites are a delicious mix of chocolate chickens and bunnies that make the perfect treat for Easter.
These bite-sized treats come in two sizes – regular and mini.
Each piece is individually wrapped in a small bag with a ribbon, making it an ideal addition to any Easter gift basket.
Made from Leonidas Belgium Chocolates, these delightful treats are sure to please everyone this holiday season!
Small - 3"
Large - 5"
Mignon (Premium, Red)
Original Paintings (Deluxe)
Rose Petals (Standard, Assorted)
Jumbo Tote Bag (Standard)
Tote Bag (Standard)
Leonidas Belgian Assorted Chocolates (Standard, Assorted, 7 Piece (125g))
Immortal Rose (Standard, Red)
Hedgehog Mushroom (Standard)
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