
Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

Rainbow Roses

Crafted through a meticulous process, each rose starts as a pristine white blossom. Then, using a special technique, florists inject dyes into the stem, allowing the petals to absorb the colors gradually. As the rose drinks up the dyed water, the hues begin to spread, creating a captivating gradient effect that mimics the colors of a rainbow. This innovative method transforms ordinary roses into extraordinary works of art, each one a unique expression of beauty and wonder. From soft pastels to bold primaries, our Rainbow Roses Bouquet showcases a dazzling array of colors, ensuring that no two blooms are ever alike. Perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any occasion, these radiant roses are sure to brighten spirits and spark joy wherever they're displayed. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply want to send a message of love and appreciation, our Rainbow Roses Bouquet is a delightful choice that promises to leave a lasting impression.

Standard- 3 roses
Deluxe- 6 roses
Premium- 12 roses
Exquisite- 18 roses

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