Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

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Rose Rush


Assorted colored roses nestled amongst baby's breath and greens, arranged in a one-sided presentation. Whether you prefer many colors to one or just can't decide, this is the perfect arrangement for you.  A rosy gift indeed!

If you would like them to be all red roses click here

Standard- 12 roses Approximately - 16"H x 13"W

Deluxe- 18 roses Approximately -  18"H x 14"W

Premium- 24 roses Approximately -  20"H x 16"W

  • Standard- 12 roses Approximately - 16"H x 13"W
  • Deluxe- 18 roses Approximately -  18"H x 14"W
  • Premium- 24 roses Approximately -  20"H x 16"W

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