Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

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The Sunlit Meadows Bouquet by BHG


FTD® proudly presents the Better Homes and Gardens® Sunlit Meadows™ Bouquet. This simply lovely bouquet makes a terrific way to add color and country charm to any Mother’s Day celebration.  Its  casual cheer and brilliant color palette comes from the  combination of brilliant sunflowers, yellow spray roses, magenta mini carnations, white traditional daisies and lush green accents in an aqua blue canister glass vase. Its "fresh from the garden" look is perfect for celebrating special birthdays and other milestone events, or to express your “thanks” or “get well” wishes.  Standard bouquet : 12"h x 12"w Deluxe bouquet : 12"h x 13"w Premium bouquet: 13"h x 15"w

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