Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

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It’s already that time of year?

It’s already that time of year?

Can you believe the Holidays are here, already?

Neither can we. Maybe it’s because of the weather – it seems like yesterday the day the days were longer and warmer. Perhaps it has to do with our political and social climate – there’s so much going on in the world! Whatever the case, December 25th is approaching quickly, which means family dinners and office parties are just around the corner. Can flowers can help us find our Holiday groove?

So as not to come straight out the gate showing you all our Holiday themed flower arrangements – Media Girl just isn’t ready, yet – we thought we’d start this post off with something more normal, like air plants, and gradually work out way up the Festivity Scale. By the end of this post, we should be feeling the Holiday spirit in full force!

Air plants

Here are just a couple reasons to love air plants:

1) They are easy to care for
2) They’re excellent conversation starters – because let’s be honest, we’re going to need something other than work and politics to discuss at the office parties this Holiday Season
3) They make a great Secret Santa gift for $25 or less.

Air plants also make great “pets” for your work station since they’re small, kind of furry looking, and don’t take much space. They also don’t need to be cleaned up after. Just a spritz of water daily during the dry months keeps them beautiful.

Our new models come in beautiful glass bulbs perfect for hanging in a window or on a sturdy Christmas tree. Media Girl keeps a small collection of them by her computer in different sizes to keep her company while she works.


If air plants are a little too exotic for your taste, perhaps succulents and cacti are more your style? They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and look beautiful alone or planted together in a garden arrangement. We’ve even paired them with an orchid to create this beautiful zen duo.

Flowering Plants

Cyclamen are here! Media Girl didn’t realize how many varieties of cyclamen there are. Her mom used to keep small pink and red ones in the house growing up, so she is especially fond of them. But now that she’s discovered these larger plants in purples and whites. And cyclamen with textured petals? She’s in love. *** The internet says cyclamen are on NASA’s top 50 air purifying house plants list, so that’s an added bonus.

Moving up the Festivity Scale, we have the classic poinsettia.

This Montreal florist adores poinsettias. Not just because of how beautiful they can be – we also love them because they’re great purifiers. Little, multicolored super heroes that remove things like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

And if you’re not a fan of poinsettias? We have Peace Lilies, too. Why not give the gift of clean air this year?

Fresh Cuts

Inspired by the winter forest this week, Joseph decided to create a Winter Greens bouquet. Media Girl is obviously loving this idea.

“If I could fit a pine tree near my desk, I’d do it because I love the smell of pine trees, but I can’t – so this is the next best thing!”

We’ll let you know if she’s decided to decorate this bouquet in lieu of buying an actual tree this year. She’s already purchased a short string of LED lights, so who knows.

One of the reasons we like giving flowers as gifts, is that they’re eco-friendly. Flowers are compostable and oftentimes the containers can be reused throughout the year. In fact, we have a great post about upcycling containers here. You may have seen it on Pinterest?

Lechuza Self-Watering Containers

We’re throwing this in here today because Lechuza self-watering containers not only come green and red, traditional Holiday colors, but they are hands down the perfect gift for the person who has everything. We can almost guaranty they don’t have one of these.

What makes Lechuza self-watering containers such a great gift idea?

Because you’re not only giving the gift of a sleek, beautifully designed plant container, you’re giving the gift of free time. You’re giving the gift of freedom to travel or work or go on vacation for 6 – 12 weeks at a time without worrying about a favorite plant dying. That’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Centerpiece Arrangements

Maybe it’s the thought of family dinners and food and laughter, but we’re really starting to get into the Holiday spirit. How about you?

Speaking of family dinners, let’s have a look at some of our favorite centrepieces. This particular centrepiece can be stacked end to end to create a beautiful table runner. It also looks adorable on its own.

Imagine eating by the light of these candles, surrounded by the hum of friends and family talking, laughing and sharing stories. That happy glow you experience when you feel warm, safe and loved.

That’s the Holiday spirit. We’re really feeling it now!

As we approach the New Year, we offer a variation of one of our biggest hits this year at the shop.

You may recognize the Orchid Symphony. It debuted in May. By October, Joseph had added a beautiful fall theme, and only two weeks ago decided to add this special Christmas theme. But that wasn’t enough. The Orchid Symphony was begging for a New Year’s Winter palette, too. So Joseph buckled down and created the cutest, most compact, easy-to-deliver orchid arrangement our shop has ever designed.

Happy Holidays to all of you!

Next year we will celebrate our 40th birthday, and we have lots of exciting plans in store!

If you need help or have questions about any of the arrangements featured in today’s post, please give us a call at 514-747-2581. It’s always great to hear a friendly voice on the other end.